Solihull Arts Complex

Carer Seat Policy

Carer Seat Policy

The following policy has been amended recently following consultation with an external Disability Consultant in order to ensure that a wide section of those with additional needs are catered for.

We now accept the following where the cardholder needs Carer assistance to attend and these card details will be registered on their ‘customer data’ held with us so that Box Office staff can see at a glance that a card is held, to reduce the burden of ‘proof’ each time.

Solihull Carer’s Card  ( or any other local authority equivalent are also fine.  Registered on customer account and expiry date shown. The Solihull Carer's Trust can be contacted by email at or by calling 0121 788 1143.

CEA Card ( a national cinema scheme which requires proof of eligibility and Benefit/Allowances (not Blue Badge or employment/Support Allowance benefit).  The card has a photograph and is valid for one year from issue. The card allows ONE free carer seat when attending a film, show or similar.  Registered as with Carer Card and expiry date shown.

Access Card  ( This card has different symbols relating to the needs of the person applying for the card.  Eg Wheelchair access, Carer Support Required, Visual Impairment etc.   The card issuers expect proof of current benefit entitlement, level of need and description of the support needed by a Carer.  Needs are checked and this symbol.. +1 or +2 relates to their being entitled to a Carer Seat(s) and we’ll supply seats as shown on the card.

Disabled ID Card (DID) ( national DID card removes the need for individuals to carry their paper documentation and has a photograph.  They’re only issued to disabled people who have a proven disability and/or have provided medical evidence. 



Proof of the card Cardholders should register their card on first use with the box office by scanning/photographing the card and emailing it to They will not need to do this every time they book with us. If they don’t register details, carer seats may be refused as responsibility is on the Carer to provide it, not the venue to request it.

None of the above? This policy has been revised to allow greater access to a free Carer Seats to those who would be unable to attend with it.  Also to remove the need for customers to give sensitive info at point of sale.  Where no cards shown above are held we regret that a Carer seat cannot be automatically issued simply upon request.  Customers could ‘reserve’ seats and apply for card if time allows – subject to availability of seats.

Blue Badge There are very many reasons why a Blue Badge might be issued relating to parking and access, and there are many Blue Badge holders that do not need any assistance or Carer to attend our events here. We therefore do not accept Blue Badge as automatic need for a Carer seat.  This is in line with many other venues and cinema etc.

Why not everyone?  It’s often quoted that ‘The Hippodrome/Rep allows it’  The Core is certainly no less welcoming to those with disability or injury than other venues, indeed The Core has several disabled toilets plus a full ‘Changing Places’ facility not available at other venues.  What enables other venues to offer relatively unlimited free seats to more users is simply their vast size compared to us i.e. 30 free seats in an 1800 seater venue is negligible, but represents almost 10% of our total seats at The Core, so we do try to ensure that Carer seats are taken by those who need them the most and warmly recommend that Blue Badge Users, who need a Carer to attend, apply for one of the above mentioned cards.

Still not happy? It’s never our intention to upset customers who feel they have a valid reason to request a Carer’s ticket, but for the reasons above we cannot give free tickets simply upon request.  Customers unhappy with the policy have the option of requesting to speak to a Supervisor or Manager – subject to availability.  Customers are invited to call, write or email, or get someone to do this on their behalf and we’ll consider all information fairly. 


You can click HERE to download a printable version of our Carer's Policy. Please email or to submit any queries or complaints, or call our Box Office on 0121 704 6962 for further assistance.

Please note that Carer's tickets are not available to book online, and must be booked via our Box Office on 0121 704 6962.