Solihull Arts Complex

Intermediate Acting - Creating Character

Intermediate Acting - Creating Character

Refine your acting skills with practicality and through play with this new intermediate acting course offering a deeper-dive into creating characters on stage.

Our Intermediate Acting - Creating Character Course offers a deeper-dive into creating characters onstage through in-depth text analysis, exploration of various acting methods and techniques, and an ongoing system of supportive feedback. Refine your acting skills with practicality and through play.

People with an existing understanding and confidence in theatre and performance will find this course engaging - it is a more focused follow-on to our Introduction to Acting Class. 

The course will include:

  • Exercises to unlock physicality and voice 
  • A range of approaches to acting technique
  • In depth text analysis
  • Personalised feedback as part of in-class sharings
  • Rehearsal of a scene and monologue from a stage play

Please note there will be no class on Thursday 29 May.

Book Tickets

Intermediate Acting - Creating Character

Thursdays, 7:30pm - 9:30pm

Course fee: £100 for ten weeks

Adult course, age 18+

Term starts: Thursday 1 May

No class: Thursday 29 May

Term ends: Thursday 10 July


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