Solihull Arts Complex

The Core Collective

The Core Collective

Exhibition featuring a collection of original pieces by talented Midlands based artists

'The Core Collective' is a brand new exhibition featuring a collection of original pieces by talented Midlands based artists: 

Paula Gabb - Landscape / Cityscape artist
Jane Spence 
Paul Turner - monochrome artist 
Emma Sibbing
Carol Arbuthnot 
Karen Cross - photographer

Admission to the exhibition is free, and will be open from Wednesday 28 June, to Monday 10 July 2017. 


Paula Gabb 

Paula Gabb is inspired by the beauty of the British countryside for her landscapes – occasionally populated by historic towns and cityscapes, Paula spends her time and focus in her local area with an interest in the history, local landscapes and landmarks around Birmingham and the outlying regions.

Paula has also discovered the enjoyment of painting in abstract art as a form expressing the cityscape, this does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead use shapes, colours, forms and gestural marks to achieve its effect

Paula is inspired by the impressionism painters, how the artist captured the light of their images without detail but with bold colours, Paula has been inspired by some of the greatest impressionist artists were Edouard Manet, Claude Monet Alfred Sisley, Alfred being her most inspiration from his composition of his landscapes the sense you can walk into the ;andscape.

Paula Gabb preferred medium is oils on canvas painting with the Palatte knife she loves the rich layered texture that lends some three-dimensional aspects to the landscapes, cityscapes and the urban environments and reflecting changes in lighting tone.  Painting has allowed me to express myself in ways that would otherwise not have been possible due to suffering from Dyslexic / Verbal Dyspraxia. 

Jane Spence

My work is informed by my origins in theatre design, my years living in South East Asia and my love of words and storytelling. My creatures are characters and I hope that my images invite the viewer in, welcoming them to imagine their own tales.

The artist that inspires me is always the one I look at today. However, there are some constants in my life and they are Picasso, Hockney and Matisse, all masters of line, which I love, and wonderful draftsmen as well as genius innovators

Paul Turner

Born in Birmingham in 1952. Paul has scribbled on whatever he could find for long as he can remember, his grandmother would take him on outings to Birmingham Museum and art gallery, where he was entranced by the works of Pre-Raphaelite and Victorian Artist.

Having worked with photography and digital media he has now returned to his first love, painting.

Working in Pastels, watercolours and ink, he is taking his experiences from extensive travel to create his current works,  Paul makes works that deals with the documentation of events, people and places tinged with his sense of humour and a desire to give his art  life.

Working from sketches and ideas compiled over many years he now has the opportunity to commit them to paper and bring to life his characters, animals and people he has encounter along the way.

Book Tickets

Admission to the exhibition is free, and will be open from Wednesday 28 June, to Monday 10 July 2017. 

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