The Satellite Young Rep is a fantastic opportunity for young people (aged 11-16) to build their confidence and creativity whilst working with a professional theatre Director from the Birmingham Rep. Once a week, during term time you will meet with a Drama Practitioner afterschool, build an ensemble and create performance.
During Summer 2024 there will be an opportunity to perform at the Rep at a Satellite Youth Theatre Festival alongside schools, theatre groups and companies from across the West Midlands. It's a brilliant experience to be amongst other performers after having the opportunity for a professional technical rehearsal.
There will also be an opportunity during the year to perform at The Core. Places are limited to 30 on these courses book now for this opportunity to develop wider drama skills and make meaningful, interesting and entertaining theatre!
This course is for ages 11-16 (Secondary school age) and will be hosted at The Core with Theatre Practitioners from the Rep Theatre.
Parents/Guardian: A number of bursary places are available to young people who live in Solihull and are in receipt of Free School Meals. If the young person would like to attend, please provide proof of FSM, when completing the forms by supplying a copy of the school letter or scanning it to us. Alternatively, referals for free bursary places can be made by Education, Health or Social Services practitioners where appropriate.
Download workshop registration form
Download bursary application form
Please email completed forms to /
Summer Term 2024
Term Starts: Thursday 11 April
Half Term: w/c Monday 27 May 2024 - no session during half term
Term Ends: Thursday 11 July
Thursdays 4.30pm - 6pm at The Core
Age 11-16
£80 per term
No classes during school holidays.
Wed 15 Jan - Wed 9 Apr 2025
12 week creative writing course for children aged 7-11
Thurs 20 Feb 2025
Make your own kaleidoscope and experience a dazzling spectrum of colour!
Thurs 2 Jan 2025
Create a stunning drawing of your own cat this Christmas! Perfect for adults and...
Thurs 20 Feb 2025
Learn to draw like a Pro! Reach new levels of inventiveness using the humble pencil.
Sat 28 Dec
Create a magical Harry Potter drawing this Christmas! Perfect for children aged...
Mon 13 Jan - Mon 7 Apr 2025
A fun baby dance class class for little ones aged 0-2 years, and their grown ups.