Light 52 is a popular 10 week photography course run by Richard Pearce, a photography lecturer. This course is the Beginner's level.
The workshops are aimed primarily at non-professional digital SLR users, but are suitable for compact and film camera enthusiasts. The sessions are a mix of instruction, hints and tips, practical exercises, picture reviewing and assignments.
Progression to each level is optional - here are basic contents:
Beginners Level
Getting to grips with the basics and technicalities of your camera, Principles of picture-taking and topics including modes, mega-pixels, resolution, exposure, histogram, white balance metering and focus. Aiming to make you competent and confident.
The course begins on Thursday 26 September but there is NO CLASS during October half term. The final class of this term is on Thursday 5 December.
Please note this course is for amateur photographers. Adult course - aged 18+
Light 52 Beginners Course
Thursdays 7pm - 8.30pm
Course Fee £100 for 10 weeks
Adult Course, age 18+
Mon 28 Apr - Mon 14 Jul
Improve your prose creative writing with Wersha Bharadwa in this fun 10 week course.
Thu 1 May - Thu 10 Jul
A 10 week course. The final of the three Light 52 photography course levels.
Thu 1 May - Thu 10 Jul
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Every Thursday
Friendly lunchtime choral group for all abilities.