Entrust Care Partnership & Open Theatre invite you to a weekly non-verbal physical theatre group for young people aged 11-19 with disabilities.
Participants will develop their creative skills and gain the confidence needed to create quality art as they move towards adulthood and employment.
Funded by Solihull MBC.
For more information, or to join the group, please contact:
Lydia - lydia@opentheatre.co.uk
Lynne - lynnebarton@entrustcarepartnership.org.uk
Tuesdays 4.30-6.30pm from 9 January
Studio at The Core
£3 per session
Mon 28 Apr - Mon 7 Jul
Improve your prose creative writing with Wersha Bharadwa in this fun 10 week course.
Every Thursday
Friendly lunchtime choral group for all abilities.
Thurs 1 May - Thurs 10 Jul
Refine your acting skills with practicality and through play with this new inter...
Thurs 1 May - Thurs 10 Jul
Join The Core Youth Theatre, an exciting new youth theatre group designed for ag...
Mon 28 Apr - Mon 14 Jul
Learn the basics of stand-up comedy in a 10 week course with Rachel Sambrooks.
Thurs 1 May - Thurs 10 Jul
The Write Space is a 10 week extension creative writing course, aimed at those who have completed the existing...